U.S Navy Faces Most Intense Combat Since World War II Against Houthis

U.S. Navy faces a new enemy: the Iranian-backed Houthi group from Yemen, targeting commercial shipping since November 2023.

The Houthis have targeted 50 ships, decreasing shipping in the Red Sea and causing many vessels to reroute around Africa.

Claiming to support Palestine, the Houthis demand an end to the Israel-Hamas conflict while using the opportunity to strengthen their regional position.

Daily threats and attacks by the Houthis on U.S. Navy ships are reported, highlighting the constant danger in the Red Sea.

A former Navy submariner states that this is the most sustained combat the Navy has faced since World War II, with Houthis capable of launching unstoppable attacks.

The U.S. has targeted Houthi bases in Yemen, hitting radar stations and arsenals. Despite these efforts, the Houthis continue their campaign.

Houthi attacks have severely impacted global shipping, with Egypt’s Suez Canal revenue dropping drastically.